My teacher: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh. I love his teachings and I recommend him to anyone seeking to better themselves. Particularly for those like me who don't want to join or participate in any religion but still want to evolve to be their very best self. His teachings are a great beginning.
See his Sangha's website at:
One of my favorite quotes from Master Thich Nhat Hanh:
"The most precious gift you can give to one you love is your true presence."
True Love
Written By Thich Nhat Hanh
"According to Buddhism, there four elements of true love. The first is maitri, which can be translated as loving-kindness or benevolence. Loving-kindness is not only the desire to make someone happy, to bring joy to a beloved person; it is the ability to bring joy and happiness to the person you love, because even if your intention is to love this person, your love might make him or her suffer...."
"The second element of true love is compassion, karuna. This is not only the desire to ease the pain of another person, but the ability to do so. You must practice deep looking in order to gain a good understanding of the nature of the suffering of this person, in order to be able to help him or her to change..."
"The third element of true love is joy, mudita. If there is no joy in love, it is not true love. If you are suffering all the time, if you cry all the time, and if you make the person you love cry, this is not really love - it is even the opposite..."
"The fourth element us upeksha, equanimity or freedom. In true love, you attain freedom. When yoy love, you bring freedom to the one you love..."
*Taken from Thich Nhat Hanh's book "True Love - A Practice for Awakening the Heart"
Other books I would recommend greatly:
"Anger - Wisdom for Cooling the Flames"
"No Death, No Fear"

A message from me to Master Thich Nhat Hanh: Thank you so much for your beautiful teachings. They have helped me so much!
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